Malpractice Insurance for Associates

By Eric Hoffman Published on March 6, 2024

Nobody likes getting sued. Especially not for something you did not do. What about the people you are responsible for overseeing?

I have the pleasure of having my feet in 2 parts of the profession.

  1. Employment
  2. Malpractice

On the malpractice side, I spent over a decade educating clinic owners on how to best protect themselves, their practice, and their entities. When it comes to your associates, you need to make sure they have the following set up for their malpractice insurance in order to best protect yourself:

  • Type of policy: Occurrence
  • Limits of Liability: $1M/$3M
  • Add your entity as "Additional Insured"
  • Utilize a "Power of Attorney" form to allow for you to cancel and receive a refund

If you follow these recommendations, you will have the best protection from a professional liability perspective. If you have questions, call my team at ChiroSecure: 866 802 4476

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